Our ambition is to remove 1 million tons of CO2
with Enhanced Rock Weathering in the tropics.

We unleash nature
Silicate rocks are one of nature's most powerful ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
Rain water absorbs atmospheric CO2 and reacts with silicate rocks, stabilising carbon in form of minerals. Carbon finally gets flushed into oceans where it is stored - permanently.
We decided unleash nature's capabilities and multiply the speed of this process by spreading fine silicate rock dust on agricultural soils.
While carbon is stored, farmers benefit from higher yields, lower costs and earn a carbon contribution for each ton of carbon removed.
Recycled rocks
Our rocks are byproducts of mines and quarries. We discovered a blend of silicate rocks that removes carbon faster than other rocks and maximizes beneficiary impacts on soils.
Empowered farmers
Rich in valuable minerals like Mg, Ca and P, our rock blend offers farmers an attractive alternative to traditional fertilisers. At the same time, our rocks regenerate top soils and improve crop resilience.
Premium quality carbon credits
We put a reliable number behind carbon removal by collecting and analysing millions of soil data points. We work with the leading carbon verifiers to certify our climate impact.

Latin farmers
Lower costs
Rich in P, Ca and Mg, our rocks mitigate farmers’ costs for chemical fertilizers and replace limestone as a pH regulator.
Higher revenues
Our rocks have the potential to significantly increase yields, while turning soils more resilient to pests and extreme weather conditions.
Carbon contribution
To underline our social impact commitment, we support farmers with a carbon contribution for each ton of carbon removed on their land.